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Atlantic by sixten

A Yearning Soundscape of Distance and Desire

In their latest release, Atlantic, the Swedish sibling duo sixten (Tova and Sigge Strandell) have crafted a song that resonates like an echo across the vast emotional expanse of unspoken words and unresolved feelings. Featured as the focus track on their freshly dropped EP Misemotional, Atlantic dives deep into the nuances of longing, heartbreak, and the bitter-sweetness of memory—a thematic blend that mirrors the duo’s own artistic evolution.

The track opens with an image that many can relate to: the dizzying sensation of getting up too fast, a fleeting moment of disorientation that quickly grounds itself into something more profound. This metaphor captures the essence of the song—a fleeting encounter with a past relationship that lingers far longer in the mind than it should. The lyrics, “Under the illusion / Of what I thought we had / Was just like the sensation / Of getting up too fast,” poignantly encapsulate the theme of misplaced expectations and the harsh reality that follows.

The refrain—”All the leaves in the city you live, I wonder if they’re still green”—evokes a visceral image of distance, not just physical, but emotional. The Atlantic Ocean, serving as both a literal and symbolic barrier, represents the insurmountable distance between two people who once shared something meaningful but now find themselves on opposite shores of understanding. The melancholy in these lines is palpable, enhanced by a haunting melody that sways between moody and romantic, perfectly aligning with the song’s thematic core.

Musically, sixten has managed to blend a nostalgic 90s vibe with modern indie pop elements, creating a sound that feels both timeless and contemporary. The production is sophisticated yet unpretentious, allowing the raw emotion of the lyrics to shine through without being overshadowed by overly complex arrangements. Acoustic guitars and subtle piano notes weave through the track, adding layers of depth to the simple yet evocative harmony.

The chorus, “Outta reach / With my emotions / And all of the Atlantic between,” echoes the feeling of being emotionally stranded, a sentiment that many listeners will find achingly familiar. There’s a vulnerability in this admission, a recognition that despite the passage of time and the logical mind’s attempts to move on, the heart remains tethered to the past.

In Atlantic, sixten explores the paradox of love’s aftermath—how the very thing that should be forgotten becomes an obsession, how the rational mind fails to override the pull of unresolved emotions. It’s a narrative that unfolds with each listen, revealing new layers of meaning and resonance.

sixten’s ability to articulate these complex emotional states through both their lyrics and their music is what sets them apart in the crowded indie pop landscape. Their sound is refreshingly free of pretension, yet it carries a weight of sincerity that is often lacking in modern pop music. This track, much like the rest of the Misemotional EP, is a testament to their artistic growth—a mature reflection on love, loss, and the lingering echoes of what once was.

Atlantic is moving us through the emotional tides that ebb and flow long after the relationship has ended. With its evocative lyrics, haunting melody, and the impeccable synergy between Tova and Sigge’s vocals, this track is destined to linger in the listener’s mind, much like the memories it seeks to unravel.
