In “My Own Bubble,” Timbreroots presents a satirical yet sincere examination of our increasingly self-contained realities, juxtaposed against a backdrop...
Beta Radio’s latest single, “Find Someone,” encapsulates the essence of indie-folk with a mesmerizing blend of acoustic simplicity and lyrical...
When husband-and-wife duo Earth to Aaron decided to take a break from the music scene, it seemed their musical journey...
In the heart of Toronto’s indie music scene resides a band whose melodic storytelling transcends the boundaries of folk and...
Capturing the Essence of Summer in Every Note Plàsi’s latest offering, “Avignon,” is more than a song—it’s an immersive journey,...
“To The Terrible Blood,” the evocative centerpiece of Bright Arcana’s latest album, is a song that plunges into the depths...
John Everett Hardin, performing as Bright Arcana, has unveiled his second full-length album, To the Terrible Blood, an evocative blend...
Julia Logan – MirrorsHad a chance to be honest, if I ever caught you. Got a lifetime of sorrows, but...
Lyle de Vitry’s debut single “Goldenrod” from his forthcoming album Door Within A Dream transports listeners to a serene meadow...
With the release of “Social Light,” indie folk and dream pop aficionado Kramies invites us into a spectral world that...