The second of Westerlight’s singles to be released, “Paris” is a nostalgic escape to a time when falling in love...
“Crossing Rivers,” is produced by country music legend Radney Foster. Alisa wrote the title track with Radney and husband Greg...
Wintersleep is one of those bands that has so much talent and emotion. Crafting brilliant tunes for years. Free fall...
“For I Fear” is taken from Hayden Everett’s beautifully performed new self-titled EP. The EP was produced by Jeremy McDonald...
This is a fantastic track by Avi and Ben. The instrumentation is next to perfection, the vocals are serene and...
for the daylight is now wasted, by how we hide in our blankets, Like a child who stays indoors from...
Love this new track by “the Bergamot.” Fantastic songwriting mixed with brilliant instrumentation. There is an honesty in the vocal...
John’s vocals are eerily similar to Michael Stipe of REM fame. The progressions and lyrical content is wonderfully produced. Great...
The remarkably raw Hannah Connolly has joined the Village and we are honored to be able to introduce you to this new...
David Tayler Fox featuring members of Gregory Alan Isakov, showcases a haunting vocal narrative that embodies rich melancholy and fantastic...