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Strange Notion by Earth to Aaron: A Heartfelt Journey Through Life’s Melodies

Rediscovering Love and Life in Americana Soundscapes


When husband-and-wife duo Earth to Aaron decided to take a break from the music scene, it seemed their musical journey had reached a poignant pause. But life had other plans. After eight years, two children, and countless songs written, Aaron and Sarah White have crafted a comeback that’s as heartwarming as it is melodically rich. Their second album, “Strange Notion,” is a testament to the resilience of creativity and the enduring power of love and family.

The album, a blend of Americana, blues, pop, folk, country, and bluegrass influences, was live-tracked over three days at Cinder Sound Studio. Engineered by Kyle Donovan and produced with the help of Greg Schochet, the album features Schochet on lead guitar, Curly Collins on bass, and Todd Moore on drums. The result is a collection of eight tracks that span 30 minutes, capturing the essence of Earth to Aaron’s musical and personal evolution.

Track-by-Track Breakdown

1. Strange Notion

The title track, “Strange Notion,” encapsulates the spontaneous magic of musical inspiration. Aaron’s lyrics, conceived during a drive, unfold into a captivating melody that sets the tone for the album. The bridge, written just before recording, adds a layer of urgency and freshness that permeates the song.

2. Whiskey Road

“Whiskey Road” takes us back to Aaron’s college days, narrating the weekend he met Sarah. This track has been a long time in the making, evolving over 15 years but retaining its core essence. It’s a nostalgic journey through time, wrapped in familiar chords and a heartfelt story.

3. Tell Myself

Initially inspired by the vibe of Kings of Leon, “Tell Myself” morphed into an indie folk gem. Its catchy yet introspective nature makes it a standout, with a bridge that came together just in time for the studio session, adding an element of spontaneity to the polished track.

4. Another Day

This song reflects the anticipation and emotional whirlwind preceding the birth of Aaron and Sarah’s first child. The lyrics are a candid reflection on impending life changes, beautifully captured in a melody that resonates with anyone who has experienced the brink of parenthood.

5. Like A Wheel

Drawing inspiration from the Flaming Lips’ “Race for the Prize,” “Like A Wheel” is a unique blend of existential pondering and personal challenges. The song started as a race for a cure anthem but evolved into a metaphor for life’s relentless pace, driven by the band’s own run-the-year challenge.

6. Real Love

“Real Love” is a touching tribute to Aaron’s best friend and his journey to finding true love. It’s a gentle, heartfelt track that explores the cautious yet hopeful steps towards a lifelong commitment, underscored by tender lyrics and soothing melodies.

7. You Came Along

Originally written about Sarah, “You Came Along” transforms into a love letter to Aaron and Sarah’s children. The line “you were a song I never heard before” beautifully captures the unexpected joy and love that children bring into life. The lullaby-like bridge reassures listeners that everything will be okay, making it a comforting, intimate track.

8. Home For Me

Closing the album, “Home For Me” explores the transient nature of Aaron and Sarah’s twenties, moving from Argentina to Philadelphia to New York. It’s a contemplative song about the search for a permanent place to call home, embodying the restlessness and hope of finding that perfect sanctuary.

The beauty of “Strange Notion” lies not just in its lyrical depth but in its rich instrumentation. The band’s choice to record live at Cinder Sound Studio infuses the album with energy, making each track feel like a snapshot of a moment in time. The interplay between Greg Schochet’s intricate lead guitar and Curly Collins’ soulful upright bass creates a soundscape that is both timeless and intimate. Todd Moore’s drumming, with its subtle yet powerful rhythms, anchors each song, allowing Aaron and Sarah’s vocals to soar. This meticulous attention to instrumentation ensures that every note and beat enhances the storytelling, making “Strange Notion” a listening experience that is as immersive as it is enjoyable.

Personal anecdotes weave through the fabric of the album, adding layers of authenticity and emotion. “Another Day” seems to be born out intense emotion, the urgency and rawness in the lyrics are palpable, a testament to how life’s pivotal moments can inspire the most profound art. The album’s narrative, rich with such personal tales, feels like an open diary, inviting listeners into the very heart of Earth to Aaron’s journey. It’s this blend of personal storytelling and expert musicianship that gives “Strange Notion” its rootsy feel, making it a collection of songs that are not just heard but felt deeply.

A Resilient Return to Music

“Strange Notion” is a narrative of resilience, love, and the timeless pursuit of dreams. Recorded live with a mix of seasoned musicians, the album captures the raw, authentic energy of Earth to Aaron’s sound. The live tracking process added a layer of excitement and nerve-wracking precision, resulting in an organic, cohesive record.

Aaron’s storytelling prowess shines through in each song, enriched by personal anecdotes and reflections. From the evolution of “Whiskey Road” to the heartfelt messages in “You Came Along,” the album is a tapestry of life’s pivotal moments set to music. The production, guided by Greg Schochet and supported by a talented ensemble, enhances the album’s emotional depth and musical diversity.

“Strange Notion” by Earth to Aaron is a delightful return to the music scene, offering listeners a rich, emotionally charged experience. It’s an album that resonates with the highs and lows of life, capturing the essence of human experience in a series of beautifully crafted songs.

You can learn more about the new album, discover live shows and how to listen at
