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I WANT TO MOVE by Bad Friends With Black Cats: A Journey Through the Ebb and Flow of Existential Unrest

Submerged in the Gritty Streets of Emotion: This EP is an Eloquent Testimony to the Urban Soul's Struggle


Navigating through the bustling, raw lanes of Toronto’s folk-punk scene, Bad Friends With Black Cats has unleashed their latest EP, “I WANT TO MOVE,” a title that perfectly encapsulates the restlessness and relentless search for meaning that defines the spirit of their music. From the visceral, throaty guitar riffs to the pounding drums that mimic the heartbeat of a frantic metropolis, this dynamic Canadian duo—Paul Harrison and Marcelo Maltez—does more than just sound the depths of human emotion; they chart it.

Unfiltered and Unapologetic

From the opening chords of the title track “I WANT TO MOVE,” there’s a palpable sense of urgency—a longing to escape from a perpetual dissatisfaction that haunts the urban dweller. The song not only sets the tone for the entire EP but also philosophically unravels the notion that geographical cure can resolve internal turmoil, an idea as elusive as the fading tail lights on a city highway.

“OKAY, BYE” offers a narrative steeped in personal history and emotional growth. Through Harrison’s introspective lyrics, we travel his journey from a lonely newcomer in a sprawling Ottawa to finding companionship and confronting shared challenges. This track captures the intimate dance between love and location, with each chord progression building a bridge over the troubled waters of past anxieties.

The Standout: “3 HOURS AND 47 MINUTES”

With “3 HOURS AND 47 MINUTES,” Harrison and Maltez strike a chord that resonates with anyone who has ever felt the sting of existential insignificance. This track not only explores personal isolation but also acts as a mirror reflecting our collective unease. The raw, almost crude honesty of the lyrics combined with the aggressive instrumentation makes it a cornerstone of the EP.

Raw Edges and Rough Corners

“FUCK THIS, I QUIT” and “GUTTER” dive deeper into the shadows of the duo’s sound. These tracks are rife with frustration and the gritty reality of making drastic decisions without a safety net. The music here is not just heard but felt—a visceral impact that shakes the listener to the core.

A Sound Evolution

The sonic architecture of “I WANT TO MOVE” showcases a transformative leap in Bad Friends With Black Cats’ musical journey, meticulously crafted under the adept hands of Marcelo Maltez. As a drummer, sound, mixing, and mastering engineer, Maltez’s diverse skill set brings a multifaceted depth to the EP, harmonizing the raw energy of punk with the melodic intricacies of folk-rock. This dual role enables him to sculpt the sound environment with a unique perspective, ensuring that each beat and note not only resonates with technical precision but also with emotional depth.

Paul Harrison, the voice and guitar behind the band, complements Maltez’s technical prowess with his own brand of poignant storytelling and rhythmic mastery. His guitar work weaves through the EP like a red thread, guiding the listener through a landscape of emotional upheavals and reflective calm. The transition from their previous work—primarily acoustic demos—is marked by Harrison’s evolving guitar techniques, which range from gentle, melancholic strumming to aggressive, electrifying riffs. This evolution in guitar play is not just a shift in style but a response to the thematic depth of the lyrics, echoing the internal conflicts and resolutions that Harrison narrates.

Together, Maltez and Harrison elevate “I WANT TO MOVE” from a simple collection of tracks to a robust, full-band sound that embodies the full spectrum of emotional intensity inherent in their music. The addition of Cassius Lucchetta on bass further enriches the texture, adding a grounding force that complements the dynamic drum patterns and the emotive guitar lines. This trio, with their shared commitment to a DIY ethos and a passion for authentic expression, achieves a sound that is both raw and refined.

The EP’s sound evolution is particularly evident in the way it captures the essence of being unmoored yet unbreakable. Each track serves as a chapter in a larger narrative, portraying the continuous search for self amidst the chaos of life’s transitions. The production choices made by Maltez—ranging from the gritty, almost live-sounding mixes to the finely balanced mastering—ensure that the music remains unfiltered and impactful, conveying a sense of immediacy and sincerity.

Through “I WANT TO MOVE,” Bad Friends With Black Cats not only chronicle their own artistic progression but also offer a sonic exploration of the broader human experience of seeking stability in perpetual motion. The EP stands as a testament to the power of music to articulate complex, often contradictory feelings, and to connect deeply with listeners navigating the turbulent waters of their own lives.

Closing Thoughts

“I WANT TO MOVE” by Bad Friends With Black Cats is a bold, emotive statement on the human condition in the modern urban scape. It’s a reminder that sometimes, in the quest for a new place or a new self, we find that the journey and the struggle itself is home.

This EP isn’t just recommended listening; it’s a required emotional experience for anyone who’s ever looked at the city skyline and felt both a belonging and a longing—a true musical exploration of the spaces between.
