Toronto’s Wildlife have been captivating lovers of brazen, fully charged indie rock for over a decade. Audiences have experienced their...
In their decade-long career, The Animen have established themselves as a must-see in the modern rock scene. After embracing a vintage...
London-based indie misrerabilists Useless Cities return with new track How To Feel. Following a spate of shoegazey releases, this song is...
Anthemic rock tune by Jeremy Elliot. “The Deep End” is the debut single from NYC songwriter Jeremy Elliot. “It’s a...
for the daylight is now wasted, by how we hide in our blankets, Like a child who stays indoors from...
Honestly the video is really crazy, great comic book art style. So beyond that the track is great, upbeat and...
Holden Laurence’s new single, Like James Dean (2019), is a violent collision of coming-of-age angst and naivete and the disillusionment...
The fiery Repenter are announcing the release of their new single “Skeletons.” The L.A.-based duo’s new single is the second offering from their...
Feeling Like a Blur focuses on the chaos that you run into consciously and unconsciously. ’Feeling Like a Blur’ takes...
THis is an insane rock riff that is really half Wolf Mother, and half Tea Party. The texture, and energy...