Scott Jackson’s fourth full-length album, Silver Moon, is a journey through sound and introspection. Crafted entirely within his home studio...
Ah, the opening track—always a gateway into an artist’s world, a window into the emotive and thematic landscape they’ve carved...
Ah, “The High Road” by Emory Duncan. Where do I even begin? This track is a paradox, a beautiful contradiction...
A subtle emotional track that brings the listener into the songwriter’s journey. ‘Oh Downhill’ is a careening adventure of human...
This song was written on my garage floor at 2am, feeling a little less than relevant and wanting to play...
Sean Waters & the Sunrise Genius, hailing from Northern Colorado, have recently graced the indie folk scene with their latest...
When you stumble upon a song that sticks with you, it’s like finding a rare gem. “Piece By Piece” by...
On October 25th, 2020, talented singer-songwriter Tommy Ashby unveiled his dreamy new single “Not That Far To Go” via Dance...
An ambient tale eloquently spelled out in verse and propelled dynamically in song. Leon O’Leary conjures his nearest Damien Rice...
Second single from independent artist/producer Leah Rye. There’s so much more to come.. Leah Rye invites you to dream with...