Indie-rock/pop sensation Fritz Hager has once again graced the music scene with his latest single, “Bad Friend.” Released under 19...
JEWLS’ single “Realism” is a refreshing take on rejecting modern life’s superficiality. The song tells the story of feeling like...
“Coming of Age” is an energetic indie-pop track that showcases the band’s ability to create catchy melodies and driving guitar...
Arliston, the South London indie pop duo, have released their latest single “How In Heaven” on their own label Sob...
Emmrose, the 19-year-old indie-pop sensation from New York, has always been known for her evocative lyrics and soul-stirring melodies. With...
As someone who is always on the lookout for new music, I was excited to listen to Firewoodisland’s latest single,...
Bobbi Lu’s song “Metapwhore” is a mesmerizing track that showcases the artist’s unique blend of influences and musical style. The...
The Jürgen Clubs’ latest single “Soft” is a humorous take on the sensitive topic of male impotence. The band’s quirky...
Juliana Madrid’s latest release, “Afterlife,” is a glimpse into the young artist’s upcoming sophomore EP. The song exhibits Juliana’s evolution...