The biting social commentary and darkly catchy post-punk of Stand Up and Say No is born from something of a...
Sun-bleached indie-pop, Philip delicately combines the gleaming 80’s synthwave of Bleachers with modern elements of introspective contemporaries such as Sharon...
This track is very haunting, much like a Cure throwback. The synth and effected guitar are very relatable to any...
Great track from Chicago producer/songwriter American Wolf. Fantastic electronics, great synth vibe. The vocal is dreamy, soft and well-paced throughout...
Course of Life is Silona’s confession of a violent and emotional abusive relationship that ended up influencing her creation as...
Miami producer Roger Del Pino has created lush textures and a symphonic romance that isn’t to be trifled with. The...
Love this tune, video is spectacular. It’s a bit of a dreamscape, watercolor wash of emotion. Really cool sound, fuzzy...
Saturday Night is an exploration into the romanticism of loneliness. Written and recorded by J.S. Mahlon at a time of...
First off, bitchin’ band name. The vocals are warm and crisp, very ambient guitar and stretching drum and bass back...
This track is tall, dark and handsome… in the literal sense. ‘FIVE MILES AWAY’ is a concept Ep that sounds...