Tamar Berk, in her latest offering “Permanent Vacation,” takes us on an emotional odyssey that intricately weaves the fabric of...
Bo Milli’s debut EP ‘Making Friends’ is a compelling collection that captures the essence of coming-of-age in the modern world,...
LAIKA is a 5 piece band hailing from the Midwest, known for their eclectic sound that spans alt-rock, indie-rock, and...
Erica (America Jayne) comes from small-town Connecticut but is wholeheartedly connected to Brooklyn as an up and coming Alt-Indie artist....
Hypnotised is a song about having a crush or having someone on your mind, you don’t know why but suddenly...
“First Person Basis” by Faae is a hauntingly beautiful and profoundly moving piece that resonates deeply in the current socio-political...
The song “Butterflies” is bold and dreamy, featuring powerful guitars and dynamic druming that create a lush and complex soundscape....
Bo Milli has done it again with her new single “FOMO”. Bo Milli, the Norway-based rising star, has co-produced her...