Montreal, a city known for its vibrant arts scene and rich history, has given birth to yet another musical marvel:...
Days of August’s “Postcards” is a beautifully crafted indie folk song that captures the heartache of a lost love. The...
August for Dawn’s “Lift to the Fifth Floor” is a beautiful, introspective indie/folk track that is sure to strike a...
In the vast expanse of contemporary music, every so often, a song emerges that not only captivates the ears but...
“Young” is a beautiful and contemplative song encouraging listeners to be true to themselves and embrace their individuality. The lyrics...
This song is all mesmerizing and grand, and laudably intense; this song is sullen, deeply darkened, intimately downhearted, and circling...
This song is just a part of an album focused on the human condition. The classic battle between good and...