In the heart of Montreal’s vibrant indie pop scene emerges “Vacant,” a track that encapsulates the essence of introspection and...
Unveiling the Ethereal: A Soundscape Wrapped in Shadows Released under the cloak of night, “Snare” emerges as Vibropath’s latest foray...
A Very Special Episode, a noise rock trio from Brooklyn, is set to release their sophomore album Freak Me Out...
Bo Milli has done it again with her new single “FOMO”. Bo Milli, the Norway-based rising star, has co-produced her...
MoonBell has a truly unique sound, his music has been described as “a mix of ambient, lo-fi, and dream pop...
A Melodic Dive into the Depths of Emotion Released in the early hours of March 5, 2024, Spirit Pure’s latest...
The track is a lively indie lo-fi garage rock song with a raw and gritty sound immediately catches the listener’s...
Juliana Madrid’s latest release, “Afterlife,” is a glimpse into the young artist’s upcoming sophomore EP. The song exhibits Juliana’s evolution...
Jordan Armstrong’s New Single “Dual” Is a Hauntingly Beautiful Breakup AnthemJordan Armstrong’s newest single, “Dual,” is the first from her...
We’re keeping in step with the work of la loye, the project of the talented young Dutch musician Lieke Heusinkveld...