Prepare to embark on a musical journey like no other as Atlanta-based singer-songwriter Shelby Mason is set to release her...
“Underground,” a five-track EP by the indie-folk singer-songwriter Hannah Wyatt, is set to be released on July 7, 2023. This...
Lance Tingey’s “Rough Patch” is a poignant and relatable ballad that speaks to the struggle of leaving one’s faith and...
An inspirational track from Hunter Adams, we’re okay, brings our hearts out, drawing shapes out of the stars and breathing...
This is a lulling, soft and heartbreaking ballad delivered by a rich-toned newly Australian singer/songwriter Garrett Kato. Kato moved from...
Virens, an indie pop duo from the UK, has made a significant splash in the music scene with their debut...
Jon-Olov Woxlin, the talented Swedish singer/songwriter and genuine folk contemporary, has recently unveiled his latest album, “Junk Trunk.” Recorded during...
“Young” is a beautiful and contemplative song encouraging listeners to be true to themselves and embrace their individuality. The lyrics...
I love folk and I love synthpop, but I haven’t known I could love them together in the same room...
This song is all mesmerizing and grand, and laudably intense; this song is sullen, deeply darkened, intimately downhearted, and circling...