In the heart of Toronto’s indie music scene resides a band whose melodic storytelling transcends the boundaries of folk and...
When Julie hits the first line in the chorus and the guitar slams into you; it’s marvelous! This song, Siren...
Wintersleep is one of those bands that has so much talent and emotion. Crafting brilliant tunes for years. Free fall...
Super smooth vocal; this track is the perfect lounge tune. I appreciate the entire sound. Great thick backing bass, subtle...
Embracing Shadows with a Romantic, Aggressive Heartbeat The music scene has witnessed the return of a familiar, yet freshly invigorated...
This Toronto Ontario, Canada indie-rock band has a brilliant delivery and eclectic sound. The band is known for the energy...
Grizzly Coast is the musical project of Toronto based indie-rock musician Alannah Kavanagh. Her interest in writing, mixed with her...
In November 2015, while living more than 2,000 miles apart, cousins David and Chad Walsh sparked up a musical collaboration...
This is a truly subtle track from the Toronto born Aria Ohlsson. About Aria Ohlsson Born in Toronto to a...